PRESS RELEASE: DADA Centennial: Day of the Dead
Dada, the prolific early 20th Century art phenomenon and its cadre of artists, poets and performers have had far reaching influence on the art world for one hundred years. Dada is celebrated in this exhibition of contemporary art donated to the archives especially for this event by an international array of artists from the US, Japan, Germany, Poland, France, Spain, Austria, Croatia, India, Greece, the Netherlands, Norway, the Philippines, Australia, the United Kingdom, Sweden, Belgium, Canada and Mexico.
On view were collages, assemblages, drawings, digital collage, paintings , correspondence art, photo-montage, objects, artist made books, magazines and assemblings celebrating Dada and Day of the Dead. Also on view was an authentic Mexican offrenda for Day of the Dead remembering Dada artists.
Sponsored in part by the International Society of Assemblage and Collage Artists.
The mission of the museum is to create a collection that is gathered together like a scientific museum that collects rocks or bugs or perhaps like an anthropological museum. It is an art project using the idea of the ‘museum’ as a new art genre. It is a cultural record of contemporary art that is unique, in that it is not based on preciousness or on the collections of wealthy collectors like most art museums are. It is an artist oriented research museum developed around living connections to artists all over the world primarily through the internet. The works that come into the collection are normally donated by the artists as independent gifts or in response to a particular project or exhibition. The collection contains thousands of items with more added continuously.
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Photographs from the Exhibition in Santa Fe