Poster for Fluxfest Chicago by Keith Buchholz

images below submitted by Cecil Touchon

Cover for the upcoming catalog
Fluxfest Chicago at the MCA – Chicago, week of Feb. 15th – 20th, 2011.

organized by Keith A. Buchholz and Picasso Gaglione.


Commemorative poster by Cecil Touchon

Did you think Fluxus was dead? Think again! Thirty fluxus performers decended on the Contemporary in Chicago for five days of Fluxus mayhem. A weeklong exploration of Fluxus activity, from it’s earliest scores and actions, to contemporary re-interpretations of classic scores, and Recent works by Contemporary Fluxus Artists.
The troupe of  Fluxus artists have been interacting with each other since the late 1990’s via the Fluxlist – an email group. In 2002 the Fluxnexus group was established with the intention of performing Fluxus works and creating new ones. In 2006 the Fluxmuseum was established to document this new group of upstarts and mount exhibitions of contemporary artworks. They have performing live events such as Fluxfest Chicago together since 2009 in New York, Florida, Texas and elsewhere.

This event was held inside the Museum of Contemporary Art – Chicago, Illinois February 15th – 20th, 2010
Check out this extensive schedule…

Tuesday, 2/15 12:31 P.M.
The New Fake Picabia Brothers ( Picasso Gaglione / Keith A. Buchholz )
Guitar Kick ( Robin Page ) Performers kick a guitar throughout galleries, until guitar is completely dismembered. – Classic performance score by an anchor artist of the british “school” of 70’s Fluxus.

Tuesday, 2/15 6: 35 P.M.
The Chicago Fluxus Ensemble – Classic Scores and Interventions
Founded in 2009 by Hannah Higgins, Simon Anderson and Alison Knowles, The Chicago Fluxus Ensemble has performed multiple times with Fulcrum Point’s New Music Series. ( Simon Anderson, Picasso Gaglione, Jeff Abell, Sally Alatelo, Keith A. Buchholz, Joshua Rutherford, Jessica Feinstein, Kyle White, Darlene Domel , and others. )

Keih Buchholz, Reid Wood and Simon Anderson

Simon Anderson

Jessica and Joshua Rutherford, Keith Buchholz, Darlene Domel and other performers.
Hannah Higgins drilling on the destroyed piano.

Wednesday, 2/16 12:03 p.m.
“ Eternal Networking “
Guided by artists Picasso Gaglione, Darlene Domel, Keith A. Buchholz, Andy Oleksiuk, Adamandia Kapsalis, Neosho, and others, Visitors will have the ability to interact with the Postal Art Network. Supplies for Collage, Stamping, and Postal Mail Making will be provided, along with insights, and guidance into making works which will be sent into the “Eternal Network “.

Thursday, 2/17 12:15 p.m.
3 Durational Works
1. Premiere of “ Time / Space Ritual “ a New work by Keith A. Buchholz, involving the layering of sound and manipulation of found sources through 4 turntables, influenced by Nam June Paik’s Turntable manipulations and Steve Reich’s Tape Loop work. Duration : 60 Minutes.
2. Premiere of “ Magic Mushrooms” a New work by Andrew Oleksiuk, Utilizing Live telepresence, Virtual FLUXUS Performance in Second Life, with special guest performers. Duration 60 minutes.
3. Dragging Suite – Nam June Paik Performed by Picasso Gaglione, Darlene Domel, Keith A. Buchholz, Allan Revich and others, Paik’s Suite calls for the dragging of multiple dolls throughout the space. Comical and Irreverent, this is a Paik work not often seen. Duration 45min – 1 hr.

Friday, 2/18 12:36 p.m.
TRISTIN TZARA – performance by Miekal And, Camille Bacos .
Explores the relationship of Tzara to his hometown, with filmed imagery, and spoken word.

DADA machine FLUXUS ( Darlene Domel, Keith A. Buchholz, Picasso Gaglione, Andy Oleksiuk, and others.)
* Expected guest performers include Melissa McCarthy (Flux- New Hampshire), Reed Altemus ( Fluxus Maine), Jennifer Kosharek ( Fluxus South), Cecil Touchon ( Fluxus-Texas), Allan Revich (Fluxus Canada) as well as other incoming Flux-Folk.
Manic Re – Interpretations of Classic Fluxus Scores, as seen through the direction of Picasso Gaglione.

Evening at the Seneca Hotel in Keith Buchholz’s Room

Evening at the Seneca Hotel in Keith Buchholz’s Room

Saturday, 2/19 12:34 p.m.
Contemporary Fluxus Scores interpreted by their authors and members of their circle.
A sampling of recent work, performed by contemporary artists from the Fluxus community, many of whom are coming to Chicago specifically to perform at these events. Artists from throughout the U.S.and Canada (and possibly Mexico as well), will converge to perform their recent scores.
* A commemorative Zine of scores will be published by Fluxpress in conjunction with this event, and will be distributed free to MCA visitors during these performances.

Selected works and publications on view from the Fluxmuseum.

Saturday, 2/19 7:13 p.m. ( OFFSITE )
The New York Correspondance School of Chicago Dinner
In Keeping with the traditions of Ray Johnson’s New York Correspondance School, it’s Chicago Affiliates will host an informal dinner gathering at a downtown location TBA. Members of the Chicago Fluxus and Mail Art communities as well as incoming performers and guests will be in attendance. The public will be notified of time and place, by flyers distributed throughout the week at the MCA.

Exhibition poster for Reed Altemus at Picasso Gaglione’s Stampland

Fluxus performers exploring Stampland

various fluxboxes on display at Stampland

Sunday, 2/20 12:33 p.m.
A variety of Classic and Contemporary Fluxus scores, interpreted by Contemporary Fluxus artists.
This performance gives Contemporary performers the opportunity to present works from the 50 year canon of scores, that personally resonate with them. Performances will undoubtedly be insightful, and will run the gamut from irreverent to introspective. ( discussion with the artists to follow. )
* artists will include all involved during the “Fluxweek” and will conclude the weeks activities.

* As part of the weeks activities, Posters, Flyers, Stampsheets, and Booklets were printed and distributed freely to visitors at the museum. ( Ephemera is an integral part of the Fluxus practice).

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